@book{114176, author = {Amaney A. Jamal}, title = {Of Empires and Citizens: Pro-American Democracy or No Democracy at All?}, year = {2012}, publisher = {Princeton University Press}, address = {Princeton}, url = {https://press.princeton.edu/titles/9901.html}, note = {

Reviewed in: Perspectives on Politics (review article), Foreign Affairs (Symposium); Journal of Politics, Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Peace Research, International Journal of Middle East Studies, The Middle East Journal, International Affairs, Huffington Post, Choice, New Middle Eastern Studies; Arab Studies Quarterly

Middle East Journals/Press: The Cairo Review of Global Affairs, al-Anba{\textquoteright} الانباء, Al-Akhbar English; The Angry Arab Blog; al-Ahram االاهرام{\textquoteright}

}, language = {eng}, }