Jamal, Amaney A., Carolyn Barnett, and Steve L. Monroe. “Earned Income and Women’s Segmented Empowerment: Experimental Evidence from Jordan.” American Journal of Political Science (2020): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney A. et al. “Poverty and Divine Rewards: The Electoral Advantage of Islamist Political Parties.” American Journal of Political Science (2019): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney A., and Helen Milner. “Economic Self-Interest, Information and Trade Preferences: Evidence from an Experiment in Tunisia. Review of International Political Economy.” Review of International Political Economy (2019): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney A., Tarek Masoud, and Elizabeth Nugent. “Arab Responses to Western Hegemony: Experimental Evidence from Egypt.” Journal of Conflict Resolution 62.2 (2018): 254–288.
Jamal, Amaney, Tarek Masoud, and Elizabeth Nugent. “Using the Qur’ān to Empower Arab Women? Theory and Experimental Evidence From Egypt.” Comparative Political Studies 49.12 (2016): 1555–1598.
Bush, Sarah, and Amaney Jamal. “Anti-Americanism, Authoritarianism, and Attitudes about Women in Politics: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Jordan.” International Studies Quarterly 59.1 (2015): 34–45.
Jamal, Amaney, Mark Beissinger, and Kevin Mazur. “Explaining Divergent Revolutionary Coalitions: Regime Strategies and the Structuring of Participation in the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions.” Journal of Comparative Politics (2015): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Mat Creighton. “Does Islam Play a Role in Anti-Immigrant Sentiment : An Experimental Approach.” Social Science Research (2015): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Carolina Miguel, and Mark Tessler. “Elections in the Arab World: Why Do Citizens Turn Out?.” Comparative Political Studies (2015): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney et al. “Anti-Americanism and Anti-Interventionism in Arabic Twitter Discourses.” Perspectives on Politics (2015): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney, Ellen Lust, and Lindsay Benstead. “Is It Gender, Religion or Both? A Survey Experiment on Electability in Transitional Tunisia.” Perspectives on Politics (2015): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney A., and Mat Creighton. “Has Opposition to Immigration Increased in the US After the Economic Crisis? An Experimental Approach.” International Migration Review Fall (2015): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney A., Mark Tessler, and Carolina Miguel. “Elections in the Arab World: Why Do Citizens Turn Out?.” Comparative Political Studies 11.48 (2015): n. pag.
Creighton, Mathew J., Amaney Jamal, and Natalia C. Malancu. “Has Opposition to Immigration Increased in the United States After the Economic Crisis?.” International Migration Review 49.3 (2014): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney, and Michael Hoffman. “Religion in the Arab Spring: Between Two Competing Narratives.” Journal of Politics 76.3 (2014): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney et al. “Governance and Health in the Arab World.” The Lancet (2014): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Vickie Langohr. “Women and the Middle East in the Political Science Discipline.” Encyclopedia of Women in Islamic Cultures. N.p., 2014. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Michael Hoffman, and Marc Lynch. “Political Attitudes of Youth Cohorts.” The Arab Uprisings Explained: The New Contentious Politics in the Middle East . Columbia University Press, 2014.
Jamal, Amaney. “Can Washington Win over the Arab Street?.” Foreign Affairs (2013): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Liz Nugent. “Egypt: What Comes Next?.” The Monkey Cage (2013): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Mark Beissinger, and Kevin Mazur. “The Anatomy of Protest in Egypt and Tunisia.” Foreign Policy (2013): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Vickie Langohr, and Abbas Kandhim. “The Improvement of Women’s Rights in the Arab World.” Governance in the Middle East and North Africa: A Handbook. Routledge, 2013.
Jamal, Amaney et al. “Demographics, Political Participation, and Representation.” The Cambridge Companion on American Islam. Oxford, 2013.
Jamal, Amaney, Mark Tessler, and Michael Robbins. “How Arab Citizens Understand Democracy..” Journal of Democracy (2012): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Michael Hoffman. “The Youth and the Arab Spring: Cohort Differences and Similarities.” Middle East Law and Governance 4.1 (2012): 168–188. Print.
Jamal, Amaney. “Mohammad Mursi’s Dangerous Gamble and the Withering of Democracy in Egypt?.” The Monkey Cage (2012): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney A. Of Empires and Citizens: Pro-American Democracy or No Democracy at All?. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.
Jamal, Amaney, Tarek Masoud, and Ellen Lust. “President Obama: Here Is Your ‘Game Changer.” Foreign Policy (2011): n. pag. Print.
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Jamal, Amaney, and Irfan Nooruddin. “Democratic Utility of Trust: A Cross-National Analysis.” Journal of Politics (2010): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney A., and Irfan Nooruddin. “Democratic Utility of Trust: A Cross-National Analysis.” Journal of Politics 72.1 (2010): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney, and Ellen Lust-Okar. “Actors, Opinion and Participation, The Middle East.” Congressional Quarterly. Vol. 12. N.p., 2010.
Jamal, Amaney, Alan Wolf, and Ira Katznelson. “Muslim Americans: Enriching or Depleting American Democracy.” Democracy and Religion. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010.
Jamal, Amaney. “Associations Without Democracy.” Generating Genuine Demand for Accountability: Public Opinion and State Responsiveness. World Bank, 2010. Print.
Maggio, Paul Di, Patricia Fernandez, and Amaney Jamal. “Inside and Outside the Box: The Politics of Arab American Identity and Artistic Representations.” Art in the Lives of Immigrant Communities in the U.S. N.p., 2010.
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Jamal, Amaney, and Wayne Baker. “Values, Formative Experience and Intergroup Contact.” Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit After 9-11. Russell Sage Foundation, 2009. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Sally Howell. “Belief and Belonging: How Churches and Mosques Matter in Arab (and Chaldean) Detroit.” Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit After 9-11. N.p., 2009. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Sally Howell, and Katherine Ewing. “The Aftermath of the 9 11 Attacks Among Arab Americans: Detroit Exceptionalism and the Limits of Political Incorporation.” Citizenship and Crisis: Arab Detroit After 9-11. N.p., 2009.
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Jamal, Amaney, and Nadine Naber. “Arab American Racialization.” Race and Arab Americans After 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects. Syracuse University Press, 2008. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, Nadine Naber, and Abdulkader Si. “Mainstream America’s Silence: The Racialization of Arab Americans.” Race and Arab Americans After 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects. Syracuse University Press, 2008. Print.
Jamal, Amaney, and Mark Tessler. “Arab States: Has the United States Poisoned Democracy?.” Carnegie Arab Reform Bulletin (2008): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney, and Mark Tessler. “Dimensions of Democratic Support in the Arab World.” Journal of Democracy (2008): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney A., and Mark Tessler. “Dimensions of Democratic Support in the Arab World.” Journal of Democracy January (2008): n. pag.
Jamal, Amaney, and Farid Senzai. “A Tweaked View of Muslim Americans.” Islamic Horizons (2007): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney. “When Is Social Trust a Desirable Outcome? Evidence from the Arab World.” Comparative Political Studies (2007): n. pag. Print.
Jamal, Amaney A. Barriers to Democracy: The Other Side of Social Capital in Palestine and the Arab World. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Jamal, Amaney, and Nadine Naber. Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9-11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2007.
Jamal, Amaney A. “When Is Social Trust a Desirable Outcome? Evidence from the Arab World.” Comparative Political Studies November (2007): n. pag.